Our visit today went very well. The ultrasound showed that all babies are still doing great! Fluid is normal, heartbeats are normal, cords look fine, and cervix is still long and closed. As Dr. E put it, the kids couldn't be doing any better! We are so thankful to God for this news...as every day that we get through with no complications is a great victory. Dr. E suggested that beginning next week we will go to twice a week office visits. So I have an appointment Tuesday and Friday of next week. Once again to hear the "Quadfather" say how complex this pregnancy is and see him shake his head about certain decisions...reminds us of how we NEED our heavenly Father in every aspect of this pregnancy and in our lives.
Thank you for being faithful in your prayers. Here are some specific prayer requests:
- Please pray that my contractions will not increase in the upcoming weeks
- Please pray for the babies' cords to remain tangle-free
- Please pray for the babies' fluid levels to remain normal
- Please pray for our doctors and decisions they must make with this complicated pregnancy
- Please pray for Nick and my mom as they travel this weekend to "swap" places
This next year will be an exciting year for us and we welcome it with open arms! I can't wait to wrap my arms around our four little miracles and hear their first cry, see their first smile, bite my first baby butt (please don't think I'm weird...I've always wanted to nibble on my own baby's booty!), and have soooo many more firsts. I can't believe this is finally the year! I hope you and your family have a Great 2009!
I will leave you with my 23 week belly shot.
We're still here....barely!!!!
1 year ago