
The Big Reveal...

Okay...so I am so sorry for the delay in posting of the big reveal. No excuse I have is good enough so I won't even bother. This is how it went down. We had a party at my mom & dad's house. She made four signs, one to put in each corner. Everyone was to pick their corner and stand under their sign. Then we had a very suspenseful elimination process. The signs were:
3 girls and a guy
3 dudes and a diva
4 little hairy bullies (Nick has been known as the big hairy bully!)

and 4 little princesses!

And the winning sign IS........

Nick was right all along! We are so excited about are new family! Coincidently, we already had 3 boy names and 2 girl names picked out. We are anxiously waiting to meet:

Sloan Olivia - Baby A the girl
Rocco Dean
Madden Jax
Jagger ???? (We are still working on a middle name for Jagger - have suggestions, email kamishea@gmail.com)

Here are some more pictures from the night (compliments of Chad Keith...thanks Chad...you are the best!) Thank you to all who came!

Our dads (Big Pop & Grandaddy)

The winning corner!

Karoline and Mike Holmes

my mom and me

As promised, I also have u/s pics from this week.
Baby Girl

The boys!

This week will be a busy week for us. We are leaving for Phoenix on Sunday (11/30). My parents are driving - leaving on the 28th. Please pray for all of us while packing and traveling!



Phoenix Bound!

I will start with our appointment from today. We had a really good one! All of the babies are still growing and developing as they should. Baby A & B measured 7oz and Baby C & D measured 6oz. The doctor also measured my cervix to make sure it has not shortened or started to open. It measured 4.45cm and was closed. They like it to be longer than 3cm so needless to say he was very pleased! We do have pictures from today but I will not be posting them until Friday because.........WE FOUND OUT THE SEXES! We are having a "Reveal" party Thursday night so I can't let the cat out of the bag until then! All along we have been praying for 4 healthy babies and it didn't matter what we were having. Having said that, we are both very excited about the news! Again, I am thinking we would be just as excited with any of the outcomes...so I am not giving any hints!

I guess some of you are probably wondering about the title of this post. Well, thanks to the encouragement and support of other moms of multiples...especially Jaclyn Tubre and Bethel Ann Randall....we were informed of a doctor who is very experienced with caring for quads and other high order multiples. We got in touch with Dr. Elliott in Phoenix last week and spent a good hour and a half on the phone with him. We had been praying about our prenatal care, but it wasn't until we spoke with him that our prayer had been answered. We knew, without a doubt, that we needed to be in Phoenix in order to get the best care possible for our babies. So we have decided that I will be in Phoenix with Dr. Elliott for the duration of the pregnancy and until all the babies can come home. We are so blessed that we are even able to go at all. We could not do it without the support of our parents...especially my mom, who is also picking up and moving her life to Phoenix for the next several months. How incredible a mother's love is! Nick will be back and forth as much as he can, but still will be holding down the fort here. I will miss him terribly when we are apart but we both know we have to make this short-term sacrifice so that we know that we did everything to achieve the best possible outcome. We (me, Nick, my mom & dad) will be leaving the weekend after Thanksgiving. Nick and my dad will get us settled in our new apartment and then will head back to BR sometime that next week. My first appointment with Dr. Elliott will be on Wednesday 12/3. Although I am sad to leave my home, my family, my friends, and my dogs, I am a little anxious to get there and have my sole focus be on the babies growing inside my belly. Please pray for us while we are making this transition.

On a side note, Nick and I had an exciting night last night. We went to the Tubre's new home and met Jaclyn, Torey and the cupcakes! (Check out their blog - http://tubrequads.blogspot.com/) We were there for supper time, bath time and bed time. It was amazing to see! They are so awesome and Jaclyn and Torey were so kind to open their home to us so we can get a little taste of what we are in for! I have to say...Nick and I left there more excited than ever. We laughed about how we used to sit around pre-pregnancy and talk about how bored we were...we always wanted to have a little someone to love and play with. Well, soon we will have four little someones and I think we will have many, many years of fun and exciting times! I can't wait!

Prayer requests:
-Babies continue to grow at the same rate. We are in the second trimester and are at risk of Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome.
-Move to Phoenix
-My weight gain - I need to gain at least 35 more lbs in the next 9 weeks - this is my first goal...then I have more to go!



Fifteen Week Visit

Our appointments today went really well. I will get right to the pictures.

Baby A (Singleton - face down)

Baby B (face down)

Baby D - I just realized they gave us two pictures of Baby D and none of Baby C, but I can assure you there is a Baby C. They were all very active!

Here is their growth chart. All the babies measured 4 ozs....which is right on track with their gestational age. We are thrilled that all the babies are measuring the same. They also looked at the babies' bladders, brains, spines, kidneys and all looked great...praise God! There were no fluid abnormalities and the doctor said they were developing just as they should be. We go back for another ultrasound in two weeks. We should definitely be able to find out the sexes then...if the babies will cooperate!

The doctors never fail to remind us of the extreme circumstances and very high risk nature of this pregnancy. We believe that every birth of a newborn is a miracle and is God's amazing creation...Nick and I view our circumstance as a another great potential for God to shine. It is our prayer that God will work in such a way that everyone involved...doctors, nurses, friends, family...will KNOW that HE is the only reason for the outcome and He will be praised and glorified because of it! Thanks for your continued prayers.

P.S. My work family threw a surprise shower for me a couple of weeks ago. I will be posting pics of the shower soon. Stay tuned...
