
To Shave or Not to Shave?

I think he will hang on to it a bit longer!



What's in a name?

One of the first questions anyone usually asks is "what did you do when you found out you were expecting quads?" A close second is "how did you come up with those names?" Contrary to popular belief, we did not name our babies after rock stars, wrestlers, or even a litter of dogs. You see, the baby name game has always been a recurring conversation in our household...starting the day we got married. Through the years our preferences have changed and 9 times out of 10 we did not even agree on baby names. However when we found out we were having quads and how unique the pregnancy was, we decided that we wanted the babies to have unique names. But names, real names....not the made up kind that they would have trouble learning to spell or someone might have trouble pronouncing (although we have had someone mess up Rocco....how is that even possible?) Unfortunately, there is not cool story on how we came up with them, but here goes:

Sloan Olivia - the name Sloan came from a TV show that we watch and since it can be either a boy or girl name, I wanted a super feminine middle name to go with it. I pictured a pretty, bright-eyed little girl.

Rocco Dean - the name Rocco came from a book, Cool Names for Babies. Once we picked Rocco, Dean just came out one day and just stuck. We thought he sounded like one pretty cool kid...turns out he is!

Madden Jax - the name Madden came from me looking online at nurseries. One nursery had Madden in wooden letters on the wall and I really do not recall where Jax came from. We (or Nick would insert "I" instead of we here) thought about calling him "MJ" but once we saw him, he was such a Madden.

Jagger Cole - Nick came home with this one after we found out we were having 3 boys....we didn't know what Sloan was yet. He saw it on a baby name list online. And Cole was decided on late in the game, but I think it goes nicely with Jagger.

Does the baby fit the name or the name fit the baby? We have often wondered this. Recently, my parents were on a vacation in Gatlinburg, TN. They were at a little craft show and happened on a booth with framed names and a poem to go with each one. Immediately they started looking for their grandchildren's names. They have nine. They found every name with even the correct spelling. Of course, they had to buy them! I found it very interesting to read the poems and thought I would share them with you.
"Center of attention"? - check.

We LOVE Madden's smile!

All nine names are displayed at my parent's house. It will be fun to see in the years to come if the poems ring true.

By the way, if you want to know the answer to the first question...we laughed, cried and prayed, BUT we never looked back! :)




There's no doubt about it...

We have a set of quads living in our household...as if the multiple swings and bouncy seats lined up in the living room wasn't a dead giveaway! We are now the proud owners of a quad table and the Runabout Quad Stroller. These were very two generous gifts from special people in our lives. The table was a gift from alot of wonderful ladies from our church and the stroller was a gift from my boss and his wife. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! These gifts will surely add much convenience to our lives!

Daddy putting the table together

He loves stuff like this...can't you tell?!?

The finished product...so cute!

Madden digs it

Last Sunday was the maiden voyage. We took the babies for a real quick stroll (for the fear of it being WAY too hot!) to Big Pop and GGs house. The babies did great...they absolutely loved it! Well, I say that because no one fussed the whole time.

And we're off! Madden was fussing here only because I stopped so daddy could take the picture. Once we started rolling he was one happy dude!

Our final destination...Big Pop and GGs

A couple of weekends ago, we had a special visit from Uncle Tim (Nick's brother), Aunt Jennifer, and cousin Sydney. This was the first time they met the crew. We had a great time with them and can't wait to see them again!

Aunt Jennifer feeding Rocco and Uncle Tim with our little Madman

Sydney feeding Jagger

Girl Power!

Sydney and her four baby dolls cousins....Rocco, Madden, Sloan and Jagger

Nick recently bought me a new camera lens that is good for closeups. I'm not the best photographer and hope to get better, but here are some of my shots with the new lens.

Daddy and his baby girl

Happy Madden...I could just eat him up!

Sweet Baby Jagger

Princesses take baths too

Big Boy Roc

Love this pic of Jagger


Madden and Jagger had their 6 month check up today. All is well. No changes or new developments..praise the Lord!

Madden - 13lbs 15ozs, 24 3/4" long
Jagger - 14lbs 9ozs, 24 1/2" long

We have an exciting weekend planned and I hope to blog about it next week. Can you believe it....this is the second post in one week?!



1/2 Year Old!

The babies are 6 months old today....yes, already! Sometimes it seems as though I've known them forever. Well, they are everything I have always dreamed of and more! GG and I took Rocco and Sloan for their 6 month visit this morning while Grandmama stayed with Madden and Jagger. I decided after their last visit with shots that bringing all four at once was a bit hectic...to say the least. There just wasn't enough time or hands to comfort each crying baby after shots. Two at a time works much better. So Jagger and Madden will go for their checkup on Friday. Dr. said Rocco and Sloan are doing great.

Sloan - 15lbs 4ozs, 24" long
Rocco - 16lbs 3ozs, 25"long

Both are in the 25th percentile for weight and 5th percentile for height.

In honor of their half birthday, we took some videos of them last night before baths. (Note: Babies crying in the background are not being tortured! They tend to be quite fussy right before their bedtime bottle and since their entertainer, aka daddy, was dubbing as videographer at the time...they were even a little more upset!)





I will update on Friday with Madden's & Jagger's weights along with a few other things that have been happening around our household. ;)

