
It's only another Day!?!

Well as most of you know, I took Madden for his sleep study yesterday. He did fine...at least I think he did. When we were finished, the nurse told me that he "couldn't tell me anything until the doctor read the report." He did however give me a little wink and mouthed that he did well. I called this morning to find out about it but the doctor is out of the office today. Uggghhh! I know in the big scheme of things it's not that big of a deal but I was just really excited for Madden to not have that nasty canula taped to his face anymore. We should know something tomorrow. So we wait....

Thanks for your prayers,


The Cochran Crew said...

Praying for sweet Madden!!! Luv Ya!

Moni Graf said...

Fingers crossed for great feedback! Hope you find out soon.

Girl, the pics you have on this blog are amazing. Such beautiful babies! I especially like the doo-rags....started crackin' up!

Let us know what you find out.

