"S" was the letter of the week last week at the kids' school. That just means most of their activities/centers correspond with the letter of week. Well, "S" is also for Sloan and she certainly had a big week last week.
First, she became an official Girl Scout Daisy. (
I was never a Girl Scout as a kid, but both of us are just loving it!) I went to her investiture ceremony at school. She received her vest along with a certificate, a pin and a few patches...I apologize to you Girl Scout scholars, I'm still learning what all these things represent.
When she smiled for this picture, I noticed it. She lost her FIRST tooth! She had forgotten about it so she was excited when I noticed it. We had a moment...hugging and laughing. Her two bottom teeth have been loose for a couple of weeks now, but she would barely let anyone look at then let alone touch them. I asked her how it happened, thinking it probably fell out at lunch while she was eating. No. The sweet girl "pulled" it herself during nap time and held on to it until nap time was over and then just put it in her back pack. No big deal. Ha! She didn't tell the teacher or anyone, not even her brothers!
Get this. The next day at home, she took a nap, woke up, went to the bathroom and then came out and handed Nick her SECOND tooth! She just "wiggled" it and it fell out. :) Such a brave girl!
Here's Sloan's brand new smile...is there anything cuter than a toothless grin?!?
Now if we could just get her to stop smiling like this...
Yep. Going in the yearbook. I think it gets funnier the more I look at it!
And lastly, we were SO excited when Sloan's picture got selected to be a part of the school's advertising. For the last week (I believe today was probably the last day it will run), her sweet face was on three digital billboards around town. So much fun! The boys were quick to ask if everyone in their class got a turn to be on the "big sign" - Ha!
A star is born ;)
So a very full and exciting week it has been for Sloan. She is so smart, silly, special, shy, stylish, and spunky - see what I did there? I just couldn't imagine our family without her.
And now we are looking forward to this weekend that begins their Fall Break. A few days off from school/work and a family vacation...just what we need!